
Love in a cold climate book
Love in a cold climate book

love in a cold climate book

Her thrusting personality, allied to her husband's impeccable social standing, riches and political influence makes her a formidable woman. She is depicted by Fanny as an avaricious, greedy snob, but not without charm. Lady Montdore is a product of the minor ranks of the aristocracy and her marriage to an earl is regarded as a social coup on her part. Lady Leopoldina "Polly" Hampton is the only child of the supremely aristocratic and very rich Earl of Montdore and his wife, Sonia. In Love in a Cold Climate, Fanny narrates the story of Polly, to whom Fanny is distantly related through her father's family. In The Pursuit of Love, Fanny narrates the story of her cousin Linda Radlett. The time frame of Love in a Cold Climate is the same as The Pursuit of Love, but the focus is on a different set of characters. Love in a Cold Climate is a companion volume to The Pursuit of Love. The title is a phrase from George Orwell's novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936). Love in a Cold Climate is a novel by Nancy Mitford, first published in 1949.

Love in a cold climate book